Earlier this month Samsung's roadmap of new products had leaked to the public. Of the roadmap is known that Samsung is releasing a product under construction smartphone with Windows 7 Phone by name Omnia W.
Omnia W will immediately come out with running the latest firmware from the Windows 7 Phone ie Mango updates.
Omnia W was rumored to be using a 1 GHz processor, but is now published on the Omnia W Samfirmware use a processor with a speed of 1.4 GHz.
Another detail is the presence of NFC technology, 3.7 inch wide screen with 512MB of RAM and has a 5 megapixel camera. The Omnia W rumored will be released on 1 October.
After many previous leaks Windows 7 Phone mobile phones from major manufacturers like HTC and Nokia, now with his emerging creations Mango Samsung does that mean that Microsoft's OS is started up the prestige and attention from major mobile phone vendors?