ZTE was making news again. After its sensational prior to entry into 5 major world's largest handset manufacturer, ZTE said it will now release a phone with Windows Phone 7.5 third quarter of this year to collaborate with Microsoft on the launch event Mango update several days ago.

Europe will be the first place that the arrival of new products this ZTE. In the first quarter of 2011, the ZTE described as the world's fifth largest producer of mobile phones under LG, Samsung, LG, and Apple. They managed to ship 60 million units of handsets worldwide and 80 million unit shipment target for this year's handset.
Of the total, 3 million units such as phones with Android and target their base this year to ship 12 million units of Android handset. For who wants to know the new features in Windows Phone 7.5, could see more in the previous news.
Europe will be the first place that the arrival of new products this ZTE. In the first quarter of 2011, the ZTE described as the world's fifth largest producer of mobile phones under LG, Samsung, LG, and Apple. They managed to ship 60 million units of handsets worldwide and 80 million unit shipment target for this year's handset.
Of the total, 3 million units such as phones with Android and target their base this year to ship 12 million units of Android handset. For who wants to know the new features in Windows Phone 7.5, could see more in the previous news.