Now the news is strengthened again by the Loop, which already has a reputation with accurate information related to Apple products.

An undisclosed source told Loop 5 is not that the iPhone will be presented at next June, and new possibilities can be displayed publicly in September. The sources also leaked a little specs about the iPhone that has 5 as previously rumored, among others: 8MP camera, larger storage media, and support mobile payments via NFC features.
Some pictures sightings iPhones 5 also has appeared previously in 2 versions, first with models like the iPhone 4 with a larger screen. One more from macotakara, Japanese site featuring iPhone 5 similar to the design of the iPhone 3G but uses an aluminum back cover like the iPhone's first series. Seeing iPad 2, it seems very likely that the iPhone will also have completed five dual core processors A5.
Is the iPhone had 5 will be released this year? Or could have suffered the same fate as the iPhone 4 color white that has not been released until now.